Friday, October 29, 2010

Special Blend Unit Jacket White

public Board Meeting of the AMEM

the 15th of November is a very active day at the College of Physicians of Malaga.

At 16:30 pm, sponsored by Dr. Andres Torres, are conducting the meeting of the National Members Free Exercise, which try to talk about the importance of strengthening of the Medical Associations Entrepreneurs.

At 19:00 there will be a Table on Sustainable Health System, consisting of Doña Ana Pastor Julian, Second Vice-President of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, D. Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, Chairman of the WTO, D. Pedro Moreno Brenes, IU Councilman City of Malaga, D. Francisco Martos Crespo, Director General of the AMU Foundation and D. Francisco Javier Olave Lusardi, Director of Medical Journal.

Building at 15:00 this activity has convened a meeting of the Board of Directors to amend ed AMEM composition, due to the resignation of Vice President, Dr. Fernando Urdiales.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Does The Haan Really Work?

much is spent and paid little

As explained in the article Expansion, bleeding farmaacéutico spending not only puts the brink of collapse in public health with an enormous debt, but it calls into serious difficulties to the industry that provides framacéutica drugs.

EUR 3,400 million was due in June in hospital pharmaceutical expenditure, 3,200 million in outstanding bills pile up of medical equipment according to the Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies. At the 5 English laboratories were owed in the first half of the 56th million euros.

The high default rate, together with the reduction of drug prices imposed, which forecasts a drop in pay for these 2,800 million, the pharmaceutical industry makes a complicated situation.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Boiler In Nj

Among the reactions that has led to the proposal to end the current health care system officials, is this article, that number of patients, explains how it would affect the public health care in the Balearics, with the arrival here of all employees and their beneficiaries, who would lose their health care policies in mutual funds.

also goes beyond the argument of the previous entry in this blog , in which about health spending, the impact of integration costs would be higher, since even retired officers and their families, pay the 30% of pharmaceutical spending his entire life, and do not get 100% you would receive in the public system. This setting

previous costing attributed to health care of a patient in the NHS would 1.22o euros / person / year and in a mutuality as Muface 688.8 euros per person and year.

You really are like the numbers?. If they are, what is this eagerness to end this health care system?