Saturday, February 26, 2011

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National Playwriting Prize International Award for Poetry and Short Essay My unforgettable character

To know the basis of established international First Prize Poetry and Short Essay "Carlos Ernesto García" please visit the following link: -international-award-of-poetry-y.html

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MI unforgettable characters. Grunstein
By Isaac Wishlitzy

Today, Wednesday 23 February 20011 breakfast with me the sad news that my dear friend Joaquin Segarra had died and the first thing that came to mind is the much hackneyed phrase "but if you just took it the rich cafe in the Straw of Columbus
The news of a death, in general terms not confuse me or surprises me especially when there are warnings that the reaper is coming, but in the case of my friend, the architect, the writer, the lecturers, good man ever I caused a rift in the soul, excruciating pain in my intellectual proximity.
was sharp, ironic and with a certain patina of perversity that made it fun elegantly.
Recently we met to play a while, at the end of the afternoon to fly planes into the computer while we were doing long runs intellectuals commenting on culture in Veracruz. Joaquin
met fifteen years ago, we introduced Martita Canudas and that same day We challenge you to a racquetball game that lasted at least, to say the least, about four hours in the sporty "Law Reform" Joaquín
did me the honor to accompany me when I was Chairman of the Presidium Cultural and later on the eve of the Group Cultural Phoenix. He wrote articles in the pages of Newspaper Image Galleries Veracruz, Phoenix Cultural Supplement, and sometimes in the newspaper The Opinion, accompanied me to many events always supporting me kind advice, always ready to serve and do something for others. Joaquin Segarra
was, is wanted in the artistic and cultural context in which unfolded with knowledge and freedom to such an extent that the government of José Ramón Gutiérrez de Velasco was appointed Director of the Museum of the City of Veracruz, where he made a pretty respectable paper, go up where they left off.
Well, so, on this planet is finite and now all accounted for their turn to my friend Joaquin who like many others I have set before death, perhaps because it has not come to me. Well
is gone Idiazabal Joaquin Segarra, the uneasy example of those who start to live the hard climbing, Well Gone is the artist, writer, poet, athlete, the bohemian, a friend of his friends who no doubt we will be missing to meet the new way ahead relentlessly.

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I. BASES Open to all poets born in the southern region of the Republic of Mexico (Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz, Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatan) and those of other states to verify a minimum of five years residence in the region. The call was extended a special invitation to poets of the Republic of Guatemala.

II. Contestants must submit, in triplicate, an unpublished book of poems written in English with a free theme and that is not competing in any other competition. They may become involved works that have been awarded or are in press. Likewise, poets who have received this award previously, even in its official character.

III. Papers must be submitted in Times New Roman / 12 on one side only, double spaced in letter size, with a minimum length of 60 and a maximum of 100 sheets.

IV. Contestants must sign their work under a pseudonym and send in a sealed envelope with an envelope containing the following data: name, address, telephone number, fax or e-mail account, accompanied with a copy of birth certificate and official ID, and in the case of those poets born in the region is indispensable submit the letter of roots or residence in the same issued by the competent authority.

V. Stems of identification shall be deposited with a notary public in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. The notary public will only bring the Jury and destroy the rest.

VI. There will be a unique and indivisible prize of $ 60,000.00 (SIXTY THOUSAND PESOS MN), which will be contributed equally by the H. Constitutional Town Hall Cintalapa and the State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, as well as recognition to be delivered to the poet who wins, in the city of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico.

VII. The competing works will be received, in a closed and under a pseudonym, in the Cultural Events Office, located at the headquarters of the National Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, Angel Albino Corzo Boulevard 2151, Fraccionamiento San Roque, PC. 29070, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. For further information, contact the Office of Cultural Events, to cell 01 800 5520 360 (toll free), 01 (961) 617 00 70 00 71 and 617, extensions 120 and 153, or email

VIII. The jury will be composed of three writers of large literary career and his decision is final. These shall be appointed by the organizing institutions. It's power-Chiapas CONECULTA resolve any case not considered in the basis of this call.

IX. The result will be announced through publication on the website of the Council ( on Friday July 29, 2011. The Council shall immediately notify the contestant who wins.

X. The State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas cover only travel expenses and accommodation of the winner to attend the award ceremony at the Municipal Art Gallery, located at the 2nd North East no. 40, in the city of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, on Thursday August 4, 2011.

XI. The State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, will publish the award, reserving the rights to the first edition, and printing of the work is done in accordance with the policies and editorial policies of this Council. We do not return original or copies of the submissions.

XII. The call is open from the date of publication and will close on Friday, June 3, 2011. In the case of the papers sent by mail will be accepted only those matches where the postmark date, with the effective date of this announcement.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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La Casa de la Cultura de Córdoba View and The State Union of Writers Veracruzanos AC
invite the submission of the book "Time to love and silent" Morales Claudia Magaña. Present
the book: Rosalia Alvarado and Sandra Gallardo Nani.
The date is March 4 at 20 hrs.

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Venezuelan poet Delia died Rengifo.
In the following link you can find different texts on it:

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H. City Council of Oloarte Papantla, Veracruz
The Delegation Northern Corridor and Cultural Coordination of UEEV
Papantla Invite on Saturday 26 February, 18:00 hrs., Museum "Teodoro Cano."
the Book Launch: Voices
vibration in a decade, UNAM.
They will read their texts coauthors of the book:
Efigenio Eduardo Morales Castro
Itzcoatl María Dolores Morales Reyes

José Roberto Andrade.

There will be the distinguished presence of Director of Education and Culture of Papantla, MSc. Fernando Perez Salazar.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Christian Birth Verses

A new publication on private health

Powered by assets and omipresente IDIS born a publicación digital orientada de forma exclusiva a la Sanidad Privada , formando parte del grupo Sanitaria 2000 , que preside Jose Maria Pino. Veo los dos nuevos números, la verdad es que muy interesantes, y solo veo artículos de hospitales, aseguradoras y directivos de ambas. Ninguna referencia a los médicos que somos los que desarrollamos la actividad. A ver si conseguimos cambiarlo.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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now appears that the model relies

Al final hay una declaración oficial de parte de la administración, tomando partido a favor del modelo sanitario de MUFACE.

Por las declaraciones del Vicepresidente Tercero del Gobierno , parece entenderse que todos los funcionarios que entren en el cuerpo a partir 2011, become part of the national system in terms of pension guarantee, but given the option to continue to choose private health insurance as they did before.

least, seem placated those previously expressed wishes Health Commission of Parmamento, the report Llamazares, to end the MUFACE model of healthcare delivery.

They do not tell, and tells the Vocalia Dr. Torres of Free Exercise of COMM is nothing of the prize money is intended for health provision, that recent years have been away from the claims of the insurance companies as Adeslas, and have made reduce the benefits received by policyholders.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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MUFACE Training

The other day I thought that's what makes us effective in our daily medical activity.

I think it's the right mix of training, experience, love and dedication to patient. If any of these activities suffers.

is worthless to spend all day studying whether one is a disaster in the relationship with the patient. There is no point be the most experience in a pathology, if after failure at the dedication and time that you use when complications occur in the patient's tratamieno.

And besides this, there must be adequate feedback than it receives the doctor's activities. Whether as a career progression opportunities, either as further education opportunities, either as a possibility of free time, whether in the end, as an adequate financial reward.

If successful in maintaining adequate professional activity based on the four areas mentioned above and do not get adequate feedback, no doubt, over time, lessens the occupation. The professional "burn", burning out the English say, stop studying, no longer provide adequate care, fails to devote sufficient attention.

And what is this?. I try to explain. Currently surgery

mammary cancer is becoming more oncoplastic aspects. It tries to repair the deformity while producing the primary tumor excision. When you do a mastectomy, one of the options is to make "skin-saving" and do the same time a prosthetic reconstruction. This is an aspect that complicates the surgery, monitoring, potential complications, but the patient is grateful for the best cosmetic outcome.

other day I received in the settlement of an insurance company for this procedure. Do you know what they pay for this reconstruction?. 188 euros, with the fees of the surgeon and assistant.

I think about the comments. Looking through the news

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Tomorrow opens February 9 fertilization event UNT

The Faculty of Biological Sciences, National University of Trujillo, through the Chair of Biology, will host the sixth symposium on "Birth control and assisted reproduction: scientific, ethical, legal and religious", Wednesday February 9 (4:00 pm), in the auditorium of the Graduate School.
The Chair of Reproductive Biology composed of doctors Morey Juan Cesar Muro, José Antonio Saldaña Jiménez and Dr. Gina Zavaleta Espejo. The event is totally free and aims to solve infertility problems that affect a large number of partners.
The problems of an unwanted pregnancy or the risk that our ancestors faced now is not a problem because science has enabled humanity to solve through the use of contraceptive methods, although there are doubts and ignorance of his administration.
Assisted Fertilization is a process based on knowledge of fertilization and embryonic development, events are reproduced in the laboratory under the supervision of specialists. It consists of three steps: ovarian stimulation, follicular aspiration and fertilization of oocytes.
This technique is very beneficial for couples having trouble conceiving a baby.
The event will feature guest speakers Dr. Walter Olórtegui Acosta, MsC. Manuel Vasquez Gonzales, MsC. Zavaleta Sonny Paredes, Dr. Radigud Fernández Romero, Luis Humberto Cortez Dr. Alban, Dr. Giuliana Gutiérrez Meléndez, rev. Marco Pacheco Torrejón.
Admission to the symposium is free, but the certificates will be given the reasonable price of 10 soles for students and 15 professionals.
Registration is open in the Technical Department of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, fourth floor, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm For more information email: @ inf.biorepro

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professional remuneration IDIS Offensive

health field, we can see the tremendous activity of the Institito Development and Integration of Health through the Dr. Juan Abarca. A news

argued as public health spending per person is less the regions in which private health care has more weight, another is counted saving 1,400 euros per person per year, users generate private medicine in public health.

One of the actions has been to present the Institute's Members Free Exercise, whose presentation provides the Vocal Malagueño and ordering a useful comparative data for public and private health care activity.

The latter should be of importance in connection with the opening of IDIS to professionals who develop the activity, the Institute initially only includes major insurance companies and hospitals.