REGIONAL POETRY PRIZE 2011 FIGUEROA RODULFO I. BASES Open to all poets born in the southern region of the Republic of Mexico (Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz, Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatan) and those of other states to verify a minimum of five years residence in the region. The call was extended a special invitation to poets of the Republic of Guatemala.
II. Contestants must submit, in triplicate, an unpublished book of poems written in English with a free theme and that is not competing in any other competition. They may become involved works that have been awarded or are in press. Likewise, poets who have received this award previously, even in its official character.
III. Papers must be submitted in Times New Roman / 12 on one side only, double spaced in letter size, with a minimum length of 60 and a maximum of 100 sheets.
IV. Contestants must sign their work under a pseudonym and send in a sealed envelope with an envelope containing the following data: name, address, telephone number, fax or e-mail account, accompanied with a copy of birth certificate and official ID, and in the case of those poets born in the region is indispensable submit the letter of roots or residence in the same issued by the competent authority.
V. Stems of identification shall be deposited with a notary public in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. The notary public will only bring the Jury and destroy the rest.
VI. There will be a unique and indivisible prize of $ 60,000.00 (SIXTY THOUSAND PESOS MN), which will be contributed equally by the H. Constitutional Town Hall Cintalapa and the State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, as well as recognition to be delivered to the poet who wins, in the city of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico.
VII. The competing works will be received, in a closed and under a pseudonym, in the Cultural Events Office, located at the headquarters of the National Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, Angel Albino Corzo Boulevard 2151, Fraccionamiento San Roque, PC. 29070, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. For further information, contact the Office of Cultural Events, to cell 01 800 5520 360 (toll free), 01 (961) 617 00 70 00 71 and 617, extensions 120 and 153, or email
VIII. The jury will be composed of three writers of large literary career and his decision is final. These shall be appointed by the organizing institutions. It's power-Chiapas CONECULTA resolve any case not considered in the basis of this call.
IX. The result will be announced through publication on the website of the Council ( on Friday July 29, 2011. The Council shall immediately notify the contestant who wins.
X. The State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas cover only travel expenses and accommodation of the winner to attend the award ceremony at the Municipal Art Gallery, located at the 2nd North East no. 40, in the city of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, on Thursday August 4, 2011.
XI. The State Council for Culture and Arts of Chiapas, will publish the award, reserving the rights to the first edition, and printing of the work is done in accordance with the policies and editorial policies of this Council. We do not return original or copies of the submissions.
XII. The call is open from the date of publication and will close on Friday, June 3, 2011. In the case of the papers sent by mail will be accepted only those matches where the postmark date, with the effective date of this announcement.