Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stratos Boat Seats For Sale

Tomorrow opens February 9 fertilization event UNT

The Faculty of Biological Sciences, National University of Trujillo, through the Chair of Biology, will host the sixth symposium on "Birth control and assisted reproduction: scientific, ethical, legal and religious", Wednesday February 9 (4:00 pm), in the auditorium of the Graduate School.
The Chair of Reproductive Biology composed of doctors Morey Juan Cesar Muro, José Antonio Saldaña Jiménez and Dr. Gina Zavaleta Espejo. The event is totally free and aims to solve infertility problems that affect a large number of partners.
The problems of an unwanted pregnancy or the risk that our ancestors faced now is not a problem because science has enabled humanity to solve through the use of contraceptive methods, although there are doubts and ignorance of his administration.
Assisted Fertilization is a process based on knowledge of fertilization and embryonic development, events are reproduced in the laboratory under the supervision of specialists. It consists of three steps: ovarian stimulation, follicular aspiration and fertilization of oocytes.
This technique is very beneficial for couples having trouble conceiving a baby.
The event will feature guest speakers Dr. Walter Olórtegui Acosta, MsC. Manuel Vasquez Gonzales, MsC. Zavaleta Sonny Paredes, Dr. Radigud Fernández Romero, Luis Humberto Cortez Dr. Alban, Dr. Giuliana Gutiérrez Meléndez, rev. Marco Pacheco Torrejón.
Admission to the symposium is free, but the certificates will be given the reasonable price of 10 soles for students and 15 professionals.
Registration is open in the Technical Department of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, fourth floor, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm For more information email: @ inf.biorepro


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