Why can not negotiate fees?
Most doctors do not understand why in light of the new omnibus bill, professional associations have formally banned the trading of any scale.
To clarify, we ask COMM Aurora Puche the legal argument of the constraints posed by the omnibus law for the establishment of fees and minimum scales or guidance. The following document was very kindly sent no:
"Law 25/2009, 22 December, to amend various laws to adapt to the Law on free access to activities and exercising, in force since last December, was born as a result of the implementation of the EU Directive on services in the market response, therefore the objective of establishing a legal framework to ensure free access to activities and exercising. His position regarding the categorical prohibition of scales due to the interpretation that in practice the same favor tacit price coordination distorting the free market and free competition. "
" This rule has been amended Law Schools professionals prohibition expressly stipulating that schools set not only indicative scales, but any other approach, recommendation, guideline, rule or regulation on professional fees. The clarity of the new Article 14 of Act - states in its title "Prohibition of recommendations on fees" - Leaves no room for ambiguity, categorically limiting the possibility that the Medical Associations covenant or establish minimum fees and not even approximate to those who, on a voluntary basis could accommodate their members.
"The legislature has only considered the possibility that schools can develop guidance criteria for the sole purpose of taxation of costs and the pledge of accounts of lawyers. We understand that this exception - introduced through an additional provision - is not a loophole by which to leave open the possibility of having guidelines on fees, but only aims to facilitate compliance collegiate institutions of their obligation to submit reports of the courts "
Monday, December 20, 2010
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Increased fees and free competition. Request More
Virtually all doctors who are dedicated to the private sector, it seems insufficient amount of medical acts that set the insurance companies and their update.
virtually all professionals also advocate the importance of grouping to vindicate his hand against such companies.
Against this court condemns competition just a Guipuzcuana Association, the Association of Private Entities Traumatologists Assistance Health and Health of Guipuzcoa, precisely because of this.
collated How can the defense of a fee increase that practically all considered shameful to the defense of a free market competition?.
Anyone would think how?.
Virtually all doctors who are dedicated to the private sector, it seems insufficient amount of medical acts that set the insurance companies and their update.
virtually all professionals also advocate the importance of grouping to vindicate his hand against such companies.
Against this court condemns competition just a Guipuzcuana Association, the Association of Private Entities Traumatologists Assistance Health and Health of Guipuzcoa, precisely because of this.
collated How can the defense of a fee increase that practically all considered shameful to the defense of a free market competition?.
Anyone would think how?.
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professionals CEM
For the first time I see a direct request for a policy support professionals and the Health Economics.
The newly elected president of the Catalan Autonomy claims that the president of the College of Physicians of Barcelona and President of the Economic Circle forming part of its advisory ciírculo , to produce reports that help restore economic growth and modernization the health system.
Hopefully there were more professionals and technicians rather than politicians and advisers to the parties that truffles and overestimate the public.
For the first time I see a direct request for a policy support professionals and the Health Economics.
The newly elected president of the Catalan Autonomy claims that the president of the College of Physicians of Barcelona and President of the Economic Circle forming part of its advisory ciírculo , to produce reports that help restore economic growth and modernization the health system.
Hopefully there were more professionals and technicians rather than politicians and advisers to the parties that truffles and overestimate the public.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nhs Broken Blood Vessels
Since the appointment of Dr. Rafael Garcia Peña as Vice President to the Board of our Association has been very active trying to increase the representation and visibility of this.
has contacted the Secretary General of the Confederation of Business Málaga, and we are in the process of formalizing our membership in this association. Promoted
this has assisted interviews on radio and television in Malaga, to to know our association.
In this regard were issued on Friday 10/10 at 22:00 an interview about 10 minutes tv Málaga, Málaga business on the agenda. And on Saturday 11/10 at 13:00 aired on COPE in the XXI Century Entrepreneur Program. Both explained the objectives of the partnership, commenting on the issues of most concern to employers and doctors encouraged them to our affiliates
Since the appointment of Dr. Rafael Garcia Peña as Vice President to the Board of our Association has been very active trying to increase the representation and visibility of this.
has contacted the Secretary General of the Confederation of Business Málaga, and we are in the process of formalizing our membership in this association. Promoted
this has assisted interviews on radio and television in Malaga, to to know our association.
In this regard were issued on Friday 10/10 at 22:00 an interview about 10 minutes tv Málaga, Málaga business on the agenda. And on Saturday 11/10 at 13:00 aired on COPE in the XXI Century Entrepreneur Program. Both explained the objectives of the partnership, commenting on the issues of most concern to employers and doctors encouraged them to our affiliates
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pragmatism, Essentialism, Perennialism Philosophy
Something finally moves
At the last meeting of the Free Ejercrcio Vocalia of all of Spain, held in 11/15/1910 Malaga on Monday, stressed the difficulties of the Schools to lobby health insurance companies.
Against this, the College of Madrid, has always been distinguished for his feisty attitude, to the evident loss of purchasing power for medical insurance Tabajara. Even setting, after careful consideration, the progression of the average profits of insurers in recent years, compared with the low reeprcusión on physicians' fees.
In Activity Report of the Free Exercise Vocalia Madrid detailing the successive meetings with insurance companies, and maneuvering of those companies to get rid of the arguments advanced by the college.
El Colegio de Madrid detailing companies insurance has grown over the past 5 years, 57% by volume of premiums collected, with 23% more profit and after a rise in the premiums they charge their customers 15%. In all cases, the rates of remuneration to physicians only have been achieved in the last five years the rise of 6.6%.
The last action is the statement of the College of Madrid, heralding the possibility of strong action if this situation continues.
At the last meeting of the Free Ejercrcio Vocalia of all of Spain, held in 11/15/1910 Malaga on Monday, stressed the difficulties of the Schools to lobby health insurance companies.
Against this, the College of Madrid, has always been distinguished for his feisty attitude, to the evident loss of purchasing power for medical insurance Tabajara. Even setting, after careful consideration, the progression of the average profits of insurers in recent years, compared with the low reeprcusión on physicians' fees.
In Activity Report of the Free Exercise Vocalia Madrid detailing the successive meetings with insurance companies, and maneuvering of those companies to get rid of the arguments advanced by the college.
El Colegio de Madrid detailing companies insurance has grown over the past 5 years, 57% by volume of premiums collected, with 23% more profit and after a rise in the premiums they charge their customers 15%. In all cases, the rates of remuneration to physicians only have been achieved in the last five years the rise of 6.6%.
The last action is the statement of the College of Madrid, heralding the possibility of strong action if this situation continues.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Funny Message For My Baby
Importance of private sector sustainability
is published in another article Five Days on Sustainability of the health system, but now focused on the Private Health importanciade in this scenario.
is important that a report "as little suspicious" to encourage private health, there is an emphasis on effort and the important work in this atmosphere of recession is making the private sector.
I think it's best to transcribe what he says in conclusion.
"If private health lose weight in the market, this will impact on the business of health care as a whole. It is clear that private health decongest public health and help reduce waiting lists, complete expectations loyalty professionals and their contribution to the system, besides generating employment and economic attractiveness of the country local "
"However, demagoguery unsubstantiated public health versus private with no help at all to create this environment of coexistence and cooperation that has been and will be more necessary than ever to meet the increasing demands of the future .
is published in another article Five Days on Sustainability of the health system, but now focused on the Private Health importanciade in this scenario.
is important that a report "as little suspicious" to encourage private health, there is an emphasis on effort and the important work in this atmosphere of recession is making the private sector.
I think it's best to transcribe what he says in conclusion.
"If private health lose weight in the market, this will impact on the business of health care as a whole. It is clear that private health decongest public health and help reduce waiting lists, complete expectations loyalty professionals and their contribution to the system, besides generating employment and economic attractiveness of the country local "
"However, demagoguery unsubstantiated public health versus private with no help at all to create this environment of coexistence and cooperation that has been and will be more necessary than ever to meet the increasing demands of the future .
Friday, November 5, 2010
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Private Medicine as a form of copayment
In a very exaustivo consulting work Antares details the dangers that exist for the financial sustainability of the English public health system.
An annual growth of health spending remained higher than the annual GDP growth over the past 20 years suggest the need to seek measures to increase the efficiency of the NHS. More even in a time of severe economic crisis, which drastically decreased state revenue, which has increased the deficit of the system. The study proposes
10 measures to reduce spending without reducing benefits. One analyzes the existing co-payment in the payment of drugs, and consider private medicine as a form of copayment, and that nearly 20% of the population uses private health care, while paying public.
With this being a study on the sustainability of the public, stressing the importance of maintaining private practice as a way to lower spending by reducing the use of medicine publishes a significant percentage of the population, while maintaining its trading income.
In a very exaustivo consulting work Antares details the dangers that exist for the financial sustainability of the English public health system.
An annual growth of health spending remained higher than the annual GDP growth over the past 20 years suggest the need to seek measures to increase the efficiency of the NHS. More even in a time of severe economic crisis, which drastically decreased state revenue, which has increased the deficit of the system. The study proposes
10 measures to reduce spending without reducing benefits. One analyzes the existing co-payment in the payment of drugs, and consider private medicine as a form of copayment, and that nearly 20% of the population uses private health care, while paying public.
With this being a study on the sustainability of the public, stressing the importance of maintaining private practice as a way to lower spending by reducing the use of medicine publishes a significant percentage of the population, while maintaining its trading income.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Special Blend Unit Jacket White
public Board Meeting of the AMEM
the 15th of November is a very active day at the College of Physicians of Malaga.
At 16:30 pm, sponsored by Dr. Andres Torres, are conducting the meeting of the National Members Free Exercise, which try to talk about the importance of strengthening of the Medical Associations Entrepreneurs.
At 19:00 there will be a Table on Sustainable Health System, consisting of Doña Ana Pastor Julian, Second Vice-President of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, D. Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, Chairman of the WTO, D. Pedro Moreno Brenes, IU Councilman City of Malaga, D. Francisco Martos Crespo, Director General of the AMU Foundation and D. Francisco Javier Olave Lusardi, Director of Medical Journal.
Building at 15:00 this activity has convened a meeting of the Board of Directors to amend ed AMEM composition, due to the resignation of Vice President, Dr. Fernando Urdiales.
the 15th of November is a very active day at the College of Physicians of Malaga.
At 16:30 pm, sponsored by Dr. Andres Torres, are conducting the meeting of the National Members Free Exercise, which try to talk about the importance of strengthening of the Medical Associations Entrepreneurs.
At 19:00 there will be a Table on Sustainable Health System, consisting of Doña Ana Pastor Julian, Second Vice-President of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, D. Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, Chairman of the WTO, D. Pedro Moreno Brenes, IU Councilman City of Malaga, D. Francisco Martos Crespo, Director General of the AMU Foundation and D. Francisco Javier Olave Lusardi, Director of Medical Journal.
Building at 15:00 this activity has convened a meeting of the Board of Directors to amend ed AMEM composition, due to the resignation of Vice President, Dr. Fernando Urdiales.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Does The Haan Really Work?
much is spent and paid little
As explained in the article Expansion, bleeding farmaacéutico spending not only puts the brink of collapse in public health with an enormous debt, but it calls into serious difficulties to the industry that provides framacéutica drugs.
EUR 3,400 million was due in June in hospital pharmaceutical expenditure, 3,200 million in outstanding bills pile up of medical equipment according to the Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies. At the 5 English laboratories were owed in the first half of the 56th million euros.
The high default rate, together with the reduction of drug prices imposed, which forecasts a drop in pay for these 2,800 million, the pharmaceutical industry makes a complicated situation.
As explained in the article Expansion, bleeding farmaacéutico spending not only puts the brink of collapse in public health with an enormous debt, but it calls into serious difficulties to the industry that provides framacéutica drugs.
EUR 3,400 million was due in June in hospital pharmaceutical expenditure, 3,200 million in outstanding bills pile up of medical equipment according to the Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies. At the 5 English laboratories were owed in the first half of the 56th million euros.
The high default rate, together with the reduction of drug prices imposed, which forecasts a drop in pay for these 2,800 million, the pharmaceutical industry makes a complicated situation.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Boiler In Nj
Among the reactions that has led to the proposal to end the current health care system officials, is this article, that number of patients, explains how it would affect the public health care in the Balearics, with the arrival here of all employees and their beneficiaries, who would lose their health care policies in mutual funds.
also goes beyond the argument of the previous entry in this blog , in which about health spending, the impact of integration costs would be higher, since even retired officers and their families, pay the 30% of pharmaceutical spending his entire life, and do not get 100% you would receive in the public system. This setting
previous costing attributed to health care of a patient in the NHS would 1.22o euros / person / year and in a mutuality as Muface 688.8 euros per person and year.
You really are like the numbers?. If they are, what is this eagerness to end this health care system?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
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Another way to explain health care costs and Codes
is clear that the only way to compare two activities is known both factual information.
Information System National Health System (SI-SNS), published in the Statistical Portal , exhaustive information on public health activity. It generates and manages a database of the NHS Health indicators are published and periodic reports are generated.
published Among the many indicators of health expenditure is the NHS. Public health expenditure per capita is 1382.29 euros protected, than the 20.70% are drug costs, would be EUR 1105.83 minus the cost health care pharmacist.
turns out that the controversy in the last renovation of the concert with MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS came from the low amount allocated to insurance companies, which was less than 700 euros per year per insured.
If private health care officials receiving free choice is not included pharmaceutical care should be compared against 1,100 euros deemed cost 700 euros.
So if it is cheaper, if elected officials themselves voluntarily to 85% choosing private care if they go public attention is lightened considerably since collapsed, and if it is allowed to operate a segment of the economy very importance of private healthcare, why do you want to delete this mode of health care that has existed since 1975?.
to see if the comments someone can answer me.
is clear that the only way to compare two activities is known both factual information.
Information System National Health System (SI-SNS), published in the Statistical Portal , exhaustive information on public health activity. It generates and manages a database of the NHS Health indicators are published and periodic reports are generated.
published Among the many indicators of health expenditure is the NHS. Public health expenditure per capita is 1382.29 euros protected, than the 20.70% are drug costs, would be EUR 1105.83 minus the cost health care pharmacist.
turns out that the controversy in the last renovation of the concert with MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS came from the low amount allocated to insurance companies, which was less than 700 euros per year per insured.
If private health care officials receiving free choice is not included pharmaceutical care should be compared against 1,100 euros deemed cost 700 euros.
So if it is cheaper, if elected officials themselves voluntarily to 85% choosing private care if they go public attention is lightened considerably since collapsed, and if it is allowed to operate a segment of the economy very importance of private healthcare, why do you want to delete this mode of health care that has existed since 1975?.
to see if the comments someone can answer me.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How To Use A Sprout Maker With Siphon
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lump On Testicle Blood In Stool
mess with
After a period of no news about it, go to the press the possibility of canceling the option for the officials MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS, to choose private medicine in front of the Pubic Health.
few months ago, with negotiation to lower MUFACE concert, they went insurers MAPFRE, CASER and equitable, and another as ADESLAS reorganized and receiving benefits decreased officials.
Currently, only slowed by the large trade dispute, within the apparent climate of spending cuts, is considering the possibility that new officers can not choose this form of assistance as well as those who already have it, be passed the public model.
If this option is progressing, both in private practice will have difficulties, reducing hit a large number of policies in this case paid by the State and the public by having to serve a large number of patients not previously received, a significant global health care situation collapsed.
After a period of no news about it, go to the press the possibility of canceling the option for the officials MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS, to choose private medicine in front of the Pubic Health.
few months ago, with negotiation to lower MUFACE concert, they went insurers MAPFRE, CASER and equitable, and another as ADESLAS reorganized and receiving benefits decreased officials.
Currently, only slowed by the large trade dispute, within the apparent climate of spending cuts, is considering the possibility that new officers can not choose this form of assistance as well as those who already have it, be passed the public model.
If this option is progressing, both in private practice will have difficulties, reducing hit a large number of policies in this case paid by the State and the public by having to serve a large number of patients not previously received, a significant global health care situation collapsed.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign?
Another defense officials Integration of Health Survey for Physicians
increasingly being read in the press more and health articles published by Dr. Juan Abarca Cidón in its active advocacy of private medicine, conducted through the newly formed IDIS.
One of these is the rebate on Public Journal Article previously published on the English Health . Its content is very interesting, but more so are the comments that were made to it. Amazed at the polarization and the aggressiveness with which it reacts to that defends the role of private healthcare.
After rereading the article I seem to understand that the only thing the author argues, is that rather than using subjective reasons, the important thing to consider health choices as complementary, and that the assessment should be made by comparing health outcomes objectives.
increasingly being read in the press more and health articles published by Dr. Juan Abarca Cidón in its active advocacy of private medicine, conducted through the newly formed IDIS.
One of these is the rebate on Public Journal Article previously published on the English Health . Its content is very interesting, but more so are the comments that were made to it. Amazed at the polarization and the aggressiveness with which it reacts to that defends the role of private healthcare.
After rereading the article I seem to understand that the only thing the author argues, is that rather than using subjective reasons, the important thing to consider health choices as complementary, and that the assessment should be made by comparing health outcomes objectives.
Monday, September 13, 2010
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Private activity
several months ago that the National delegationships National Council of Medical Colleges, before WTO, private practice on their own and for others, launched in conjunction with Medical Economics survey via the Internet to knowledge of the sector nationally.
The survey is being marketed worldwide by different vocalia provicncial. Has been extended to October in order to obtain a sufficient representation. In addition to implementing a program of continuing education for the medical sector, the survey includes several concerns and questions about training needs.
access to it can be done through the main page of the General Council of the Medical Association and Medical Economics. Or through this shortcut .
From here encourage you to participate in it, since it is an instrument to detect the situation últil physicians we develop this activity.
probably also remember that national vocalia representing private practitioners for others, such as self-employed, currently led by Jose Manuel Carmona and Maria Nieto, unified into a complete being.
several months ago that the National delegationships National Council of Medical Colleges, before WTO, private practice on their own and for others, launched in conjunction with Medical Economics survey via the Internet to knowledge of the sector nationally.
The survey is being marketed worldwide by different vocalia provicncial. Has been extended to October in order to obtain a sufficient representation. In addition to implementing a program of continuing education for the medical sector, the survey includes several concerns and questions about training needs.
access to it can be done through the main page of the General Council of the Medical Association and Medical Economics. Or through this shortcut .
From here encourage you to participate in it, since it is an instrument to detect the situation últil physicians we develop this activity.
probably also remember that national vocalia representing private practitioners for others, such as self-employed, currently led by Jose Manuel Carmona and Maria Nieto, unified into a complete being.
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The first party to offer tax relief
We discussed many ways that recognize the value of private medicine in the maintenance of public medicine itself, is to encourage the double assurance, considering the expenditure on private policies as tax deductible in the income statement.
CiU In this sense, the publication of his electoral program for the regional elections , is the first political party, to include among its objectives.
This is particularly important given the volume of private medicine is in Catalonia.
We discussed many ways that recognize the value of private medicine in the maintenance of public medicine itself, is to encourage the double assurance, considering the expenditure on private policies as tax deductible in the income statement.
CiU In this sense, the publication of his electoral program for the regional elections , is the first political party, to include among its objectives.
This is particularly important given the volume of private medicine is in Catalonia.
Monday, September 6, 2010
How To Know Baby Father By Conception
An Entrepreneur of Health
are of particular value the opinions of genuine Malaga employer of health, in particular economic times which we live.
Jesus Burgos, Director of CHIP Malaga Private Hospital Integrated created as an extension of the Incarnation Clinic lists the issues that crop up constantly among professionals who are dedicated to this activity:
1. The difficulty of starting a business venture healthcare investment high at a time of economic hardship.
2. Pressure from health insurance companies that further diminishing what they pay for medical acts performed.
3. The decrease the number of private patients to be less money circulating in the economy and the decrease of work insurance patients, having reduced accidents at work, having fallen construction and increased unemployment.
4. The unitary concept of health, complementarity between private and public. The recognition that the private activity prevents overcharging and possible collapse of public attention.
5. The need for tax incentives for double assurance, so that they can be deducted as an expense in the income statement, payments to insurance companies. Since it is a cost saving apparent public health, while enabling lower waiting lists.
6. There must be ways to share resources between public and private healthcare, as is the development of diagnostic and therapeutic processes.
7. That will probably have to change the model of private insurance. In the medium term policies of 50 euros per month will be unmaintainable in an increasingly tech health and private services are increasingly complete. These policies do not exist anywhere in the environment, and they are below cost for each "insured" of public administration.
8. The evidence that multinational companies demand to free professional conditions involved in their hospitals, either in the form of exclusivity, percentage of medical fees. And they are grateful for the efforts to provide the gifted and professional environments free to practice their medical activity.
9. The need to change the concept of entrepreneur and speculator. Most entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs to display their wealth and generate employment and wealth, and are based businesses the economic fabric of a country.
10 - The need to facilitate administration procedures and costs involved in creating and maintenance companies. And the need to increase its political weight Malaga, being a province motor of economic activity in Andalucia.
... in short, in our opinion, a great interview.
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