are of particular value the opinions of genuine Malaga employer of health, in particular economic times which we live.
Jesus Burgos, Director of CHIP Malaga Private Hospital Integrated created as an extension of the Incarnation Clinic lists the issues that crop up constantly among professionals who are dedicated to this activity:
1. The difficulty of starting a business venture healthcare investment high at a time of economic hardship.
2. Pressure from health insurance companies that further diminishing what they pay for medical acts performed.
3. The decrease the number of private patients to be less money circulating in the economy and the decrease of work insurance patients, having reduced accidents at work, having fallen construction and increased unemployment.
4. The unitary concept of health, complementarity between private and public. The recognition that the private activity prevents overcharging and possible collapse of public attention.
5. The need for tax incentives for double assurance, so that they can be deducted as an expense in the income statement, payments to insurance companies. Since it is a cost saving apparent public health, while enabling lower waiting lists.
6. There must be ways to share resources between public and private healthcare, as is the development of diagnostic and therapeutic processes.
7. That will probably have to change the model of private insurance. In the medium term policies of 50 euros per month will be unmaintainable in an increasingly tech health and private services are increasingly complete. These policies do not exist anywhere in the environment, and they are below cost for each "insured" of public administration.
8. The evidence that multinational companies demand to free professional conditions involved in their hospitals, either in the form of exclusivity, percentage of medical fees. And they are grateful for the efforts to provide the gifted and professional environments free to practice their medical activity.
9. The need to change the concept of entrepreneur and speculator. Most entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs to display their wealth and generate employment and wealth, and are based businesses the economic fabric of a country.
10 - The need to facilitate administration procedures and costs involved in creating and maintenance companies. And the need to increase its political weight Malaga, being a province motor of economic activity in Andalucia.
... in short, in our opinion, a great interview.
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