Thursday, September 30, 2010

Seadoo 1999 Xp Limited

Another way to explain health care costs and Codes

is clear that the only way to compare two activities is known both factual information.

Information System National Health System (SI-SNS), published in the Statistical Portal , exhaustive information on public health activity. It generates and manages a database of the NHS Health indicators are published and periodic reports are generated.

published Among the many indicators of health expenditure is the NHS. Public health expenditure per capita is 1382.29 euros protected, than the 20.70% are drug costs, would be EUR 1105.83 minus the cost health care pharmacist.

turns out that the controversy in the last renovation of the concert with MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS came from the low amount allocated to insurance companies, which was less than 700 euros per year per insured.

If private health care officials receiving free choice is not included pharmaceutical care should be compared against 1,100 euros deemed cost 700 euros.

So if it is cheaper, if elected officials themselves voluntarily to 85% choosing private care if they go public attention is lightened considerably since collapsed, and if it is allowed to operate a segment of the economy very importance of private healthcare, why do you want to delete this mode of health care that has existed since 1975?.

to see if the comments someone can answer me.


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