Monday, April 11, 2011

Camomile Tea And Blepharitis



LIGHT PEACE Samanez proclaimed by the Poets of the continent as" DIVA OF TEXT "will be honored for distinguished scholars i artists ARGENTINA, BOUND BY CULTURAL LIFE 25 YEARS IN AMERICA I EUROPA.
Event Under the Latin American Poets, Escritotes i Artists, organized by ASOLAPO-ARGENTINA, to be held from 7 to 9, in the Month of April Month Bills Castilian, yield a well-deserved tribute to the International President i Founder of the Latin American Poets (ASOLAPO).
For the development of this important event, has selected the most traditional places in Buenos Aires. In the Museo Evita, Ambassador of Peru in Argentina, Dr. Judith De La Mata, Trophy will be awarded the "Centenary of Machupicchu", Samanez LUZ PAZ, in recognition of his brilliant cultural history ia his research on the Empire i Incas Machu Picchu. In the Cafe Tortoni, will be presented his latest book, which won the First Prize Latinoamericano de Novela "Julio Cortázar", entitled "Green Hell: child slavery, death pain i "i will be in charge of Ms. Silvia Longoni from Argentina i will comment by the writer i Guarniz Peruvian journalist Carlos Gallardo, Founding Director of the newspaper" El Sol del Peru "in Buenos Aires. Similarly, in the Theatre San Martin, will receive the great Maestro Rodolfo Leiro, Candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010 i ASOLAPO Advisor, the First International Prize, gender Andean Samanez LUZ PAZ, as author, INDIA song, played by Adriana Garcia. In Similarly, the President of ASOLKAPO-Argentina, Norberto Pannone, will present the International Journal of ASOLAPO "PLEAMAR" on his Silver Jubilee ASOLAPO i-President of Uruguay, Belta Tonna Diaz, will aKnowledge the work of the Founder of ASOLAPO, Dr. Felix del Carpio of Mexico, titled "Symbol of Beauty and Intelligence Samanez Luz Paz, a being that goes beyond the stars", a book where he talks about i work life Samanez LIGHT PEACE. We stated: "I wrote this book, by the admiration that I have always had Samanez LIGHT PEACE. This is his tribute to his talent ia intellectual quality. I have seen exceptions, as in his role as writer i poet has superándosei I have been constantly assured that despite the successes, still has much to accomplish.
for its various qualities, whether physical, as it was several Sometimes beauty queens, and intellectuals, both in fact of great value, I refer also to the leadership of LIGHT, as well as the domain of parapsychology, the Esoteric, the Andean worldview. However, more that the comments speak for themselves, on these facets of his personality, his literary output, more than 60 books published, his speeches delivered on various occasions. Rarely
born beings who from birth are apparently doomed to lead, to give a glimmer of charm, sweetness i of culture. "


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