Monday, April 18, 2011

What Hotel Do The Minnesota Vikings Stay At

Vice-Chancellors of the University of Vigo, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo Trujillo

Dr. White and Dr. Barcia during his visit to Central Local UNT in the city of Trujillo.

Trujillo .- On Tuesday 19 April, in the Auditorium of the Graduate School (9:00 am to 11:00 am) is scheduled the seminar a "Universidad de Vigo: Construction the future from the present "and from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Workshop 2" University Quality and accreditation: progress in the European community. "

These seminars will be taught by Dr. Antonia White Pesqueira, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Ignacio Rodríguez Barcia, Vice Chancellor of University Quality of the University of Vigo - Spain.

The events are aimed at academic deans, principals and teachers of the UNT, as well as to deans and directors of the School of the Faculties of Education of the Private Universities of Trujillo, in order to meet projected capacity and institutional prospective University of Vigo and trends of university quality, accreditation and continuous improvement in the European and Peruvian Universities.

On the same date, the ceremony will be held distinction as Distinguished Guest Ignacio Barcia doctors and Antonia Rodríguez Blanco Pesqueira, Vice Chancellor of university quality and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, respectively, University of Vigo - Galicia (Spain). Will be at 6 pm in the auditorium Institutional.
The vice chancellors of the University of Vigo with the rector of the UNT, Dr. Vilma Mendez Gil (Academic) and Dr. Flor Luna Victoria Mori (Administrative).


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