Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Get Sponsored By Monster


Trujillo .- On the occasion of international day of museums, the Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (located in Junin No. 682) will open its doors for time on Tuesday 17 of this at a special time from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, providing an opportunity for those who for professional reasons can not meet during the day, there will be specialized guide.
has been established for this occasion, the cost of entry is symbolic Bono
family and / or institutional (up to 5) S /. Individual
5.00 S / 10.00
hope forward to meeting you and thank you in advance for your visit which will demonstrate your interest and support for culture.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Powerful Accounts In Pokemon Deluge


UEEV Start the Poetry Workshop at the Municipal Institute of Culture of Boca del Rio

be taught by the poet Jorge Hernandez Utrera

The State Union of Writers Veracruzanos (UEEV) in coordination with the H. Boca del Rio City Council, through the Municipal Institute of Culture, initiated the Poetry Workshop, which will be conducted every Tuesday from 18 to 19 hours by the poet Jorge Hernandez Utrera.
The quota will be limited to 15 people, is aimed at the general public, who have a taste for writing, especially the lyric. Can participate from children who can read and write to teenagers and adults.
The Municipal Institute of Culture of Boca del Rio is located on Veracruz Avenue, corner of Galeana, next to Health Center and can register with Liliana Flores, during office hours, from 9 to 15 hours. El Tel is 2-02-22-36 or contact by mail or through the Factbook lili_flores2003yahoo.com.mx: mouth culture.
The poetry workshop begins next Tuesday 17 May this year, thanks to the efforts of Martha Elsa Durazzo and Gonzalo Valenzuela, president and coordinator of the UEEV in that municipality, the director of the Municipal Institute of Culture of Mouth River, Mr. Sergio Villasana Delfin.
This cultural activity will be one of many others that will be developed, combining efforts of the promoters of culture, with the Institute, as they are, the production of books, Theatre Workshop, Writers' Meetings, workshops and lectures for parents, between others.
He said the coordinator of the Poetry Workshop, Jorge Hernandez Utrera, after 6 months of consecutive work is expected to perform a reading of the work-shops "for the general public to appreciate and enjoy them. "They are our best literary critics. "He said.

Milena Velba Magic Fotos


Gonzalo Valenzuela presents his book "An Oasis in My Heart" in the Casa de Cultura de Puebla.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Club Strawberry Freeones

Employee to Entrepreneur, the new series of videos of liajorgge