Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pewter Candlesticks Ontario

eternal dilemma Place your products successfully

This article is about statistical quality control of products used in daily life. These products can be tangible goods as diverse as aircraft, printers and footwear, or services such as potable water supply, street lighting and funeral services. The quality control applies to both material goods and services, so is considered a fairly wide area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment.

Since the products must meet consumer expectations, quality can be defined as usability. Consumers may be of various kinds. For example, the user of certain raw materials for a manufacturing process involves the ability to use process that raw material cost or effort. A trader expects the products it sells are manufactured in an appropriate way for their successful placement in the market. When we buy a computer expect it to be free from manufacturing defects for immediate use and prolonged smoothly.
can say that there are two types of quality: quality of design and quality conformance. Quality of design refers to all goods and services are produced with varying levels of quality that are intentional. For example, all printers are designed to print documents. However, printers differ in print capability, resolution, size, layout, etc.
On the other hand, the quality of conformity relates to product compliance with design specifications and tolerances. Several factors affect the quality of compliance, for example, the type of manufacturing process, training of workers, the selection of the quality assurance system and its degree of implementation, etc..
Achieving design quality requires deliberate decisions at the stage of product design in order to comply fully with their requirements functionality. For example, in the design of the printer may incorporate some element of redundancy to increase reliability and reduce service desk calls, so the customer will feel more satisfied with the performance of the product.
Obviously this will result in the production cost, however, one can say that this cost is preventive in the sense of preventing malfunction during the useful life of the printer. However, in terms of quality is often achieved under reducing total costs, and reducing the waste of raw materials, optimizing the work, etc.
then quality control becomes the technical and administrative task to measure the quality characteristics of a good or service, compared with the design requirements, and if necessary, make corrections when there is a difference between the product produced and the standard product. These quality characteristics can be physical (length, weight, volume, etc.), Sensory (taste, odor, color, etc..) And / or time (reliability, durability, etc.)..
* The author is a professor in the School of Actuarial Science from the Universidad Anahuac Mexico Sur


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