The audiobook I AM, I WANT, I CAN has excellent guided meditations that will be of great use to develop yourself.
I AM, I WANT, I CAN provides positive ideas that will serve as indispensable tools for your overall growth as a human being, helping you achieve your goals, both material and spiritual.
"I am, I want, I can" is a powerful and decisive reserves with which to conclude today we welcome our purposes.
also a useful guide to facilitate your access to your goals, greater capacity dotándote triumph over the challenges and the power to overcome the obstacles encountered to get them.
motivate and elevate your self-esteem, competitiveness, and effectiveness in the areas of business and labor, increase your ideas and actions in different fields, obtaining an increase in the economic, physical and mental.
The concepts and practice these meditations will help you have a better way of seeing the world and receiving a wider way whatever happens you, giving you a more assertive in making decisions now made sure that you lead to greater success, giving you a fuller life.
Well, we invite you to not miss the opportunity to listen and implement these lessons can enjoy from this time. Content
CD 1 01 Introduction
02 Important points for your achievements
small goals 03
Ponte 04's all a matter of discipline
05 Learn to save
achieve a spiritual state 07 Recommendations
08 Prior to the meditation I am, I want, I I can
Relaxation Meditation I'm 10, I want, I I can
Before Meditation 11 The Power of Wealth Is in Your Hands
12 Relaxation Meditation
13 Power of Wealth Is in Your Hands
CD 2 01 Before the Rain Money Meditation
03 02 Relaxation Meditation Money Rain
Before Meditation 04 The Horn of Plenty
06 05 Relaxation Meditation The Horn of Plenty
Before Meditation 07 Chest of
Anhelos 09 08 Relaxation Meditation The Curse of the Yearning
10 Before Meditation The Golden Heart
12 11 Relaxation Meditation The Golden Heart
13 Prior to the Treasury
Meditation 14 Meditation Relaxation
15 The Treasury
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