Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Genital Warts Turning Black

Employee or Partner?

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), which serves to understand the mental patterns that people use to encode information, thinking and acting is the starting point of the NLP Institute Americas, applying this teaching to different areas of life, including the sentimental.

Although initially the interest of Agustín Bravo Curiel was to specialize in this technique to improve the way they related to people, the concern of the people around him led to his knowledge in this area became a business .

Thus, the NLP training center began with small workshops for friends, family and acquaintances about this language in a rented space within a school, said the institute's founding partner.

"Together with my partner started giving seminars so that people could improve their relations in all areas and over time we realized that in addition to field work, people wanted to learn to conquer using this language, "said Agustin Bravo Curiel.

Although the first course began formally offering clients the high level of language learning, which was implemented programming techniques to facilitate understanding of other languages, over time they gained customers a higher level of expertise in NLP suggested if This type of technique could be used to improve their relationships.

"Neurolinguistic Programming investigates the processes that make that we convey our view of the world through language. For this reason, their application allows us, using techniques and tools needed to recognize and develop skills for personal growth and improvement of interpersonal relationships, "he said.

Given this, the institute created a workshop to facilitate people the process of conquest, that is, that gives customers the tools to improve their ways of communicating and relating with others, he said.

addition to courses for people in particular, seminars for companies and groups of people The institute offers specialized courses to issue certificates, which are internationally endorsed by the Society of NLP in the U.S..

Currently, this method of teaching has contributed to the development of an entire industry ranging from audio-books for download on the Internet, to training in areas such as the Foundation for Professional Development (FIND) and Technology Monterrey, sales oriented area.
With clients are mostly between 25 and 45 years, the institute offers free forums on the Internet and one day courses, where they discussed issues of financial education, whose cost amounts to 1.800 pesos.
Looking ahead, the institute has between plans to expand its presence in the market, specializing in topics such as NLP applied to 'business coaching', teamwork, among other new courses.


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