Thursday, March 31, 2011
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The State Union of Writers Veracruzanos (UEEV) in coordination with the opinion ( Dean of the press nationally), the State DIF, La Universidad Veracruzana, through USBI and H. Boca del Rio City Council, presented the book: "An oasis in my heart," Volume II of the MSc. Gonzalo Valenzuela Ramírez.
The literary evening will be verified on Friday April 1 at 19:00. on USBI Gallery, located on Avenida Ruiz Cortines and John Paul II. Boca del Rio, Veracruz, facing a popular shopping center.
They discuss the work, Prof.. Durazzo Elsa Martha Magana, president of the UEEV and Prof. José Ángel Zapata Baptist School Supervisor of the Area 07 Special Education in Veracruz. Prof. moderates. Martha Delia Castro Montoya, director of the USBI and host the event.
In this second volume of "An Oasis in my heart," the author Gonzalo Valenzuela, returns to captivate your readers valuable insights because it brings together inspiring and motivating, with practical recommendations that contribute to personal growth, human development and spiritual.
Following feedback from specialists in the work of Gonzalo Valenzuela, the author will address some words of thanks and a brief message to attendees, we close the cultural program with the artistic presentation of the duet "Disputes" of Armando and Yolanda, -splendid decimistas and promoters of folk-and traditional Veracruz book signing, canapés and wine of honor. Free admission.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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- were cut ancient pines and eucalyptus trees were planted without regard UNT campus map
In the grade of "arboricidio", "crime" and "endangering the life" with a media this morning opened its cover, the chancellor of the UNT, Dr. Orlando Velasquez Benitez went on to clarify that what is done within the University City for a week-is a rearrangement according to a master plan that is 45 years.
"Unfortunately the irresponsibility of authorities who eventually led the university is not allowed to make the tracks and let trees grow with their roots damaged water networks and drainage. What we now do is correct, "noted authority.
In return the UNT has plans to plant trees of various kinds to populate the green areas where you really applicable, so as to build a real avenue of trees and paths in respect to environmental standards.
also for cutting the old plantations followed the recommended steps, such as the approval of the Environmental Management Service Trujillo (Segat), entities that issued the corresponding authorization.
"It's time to order, here given the previous steps the university planted and security booths placed in areas where these roads planned perimeter, but the modernization of the university campus is already underway and can not stop, "he said. Velásquez
Benites said the tracks were built and the second door and now it's up to the third gate area. The idea is to become a true University City, with tracks to each faculty.
Trujillo, Tuesday March 29, 2011
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- also to schools with the highest number of entrants
The National University of Trujillo awarded on Tuesday 29 March to the students who occupied the top spot in the overall admission test to last for the first time to schools showing the greatest number of entrants.
The ceremony was held in the auditorium of the UNT in the presence of lead UNT, Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, the academic vice chancellor Dr Vilma Gil Mendez, the rector Moon Flower Victoria administrative Dr. Mori, the secretary general Professor Pedro Luis Lavalle God, and the head of the Central Office of Admissions, Dr. Santiago Uceda Duclos.
This is awarded to those who occupied the top spot in the competition for excellence awards, awarded diplomas to Anibal Enrique Roldan Rodriguez (Private College with 207,861 points) and Aaron Burgos jeanpiero Granda (National College with 215,272 points .) They received diplomas from the hands of the rector of the UNT.
In the overall regular Test the rector Dr. Orlando Velásquez gave diploma Benites Carito top Jennifer Zavaleta Nery (332,038 points), who was thrilled to have achieved its first goal of joining the UNT School of Medicine.
She studied at the College Marcial Achar, s and prepared for three years and will continue specialty C ardiología: "Young people who are applying for the UNT would say that practice great discipline in the study and control emotionally, those were my secrets, "he said.
The second place went to Bruno Marcelo Sánchez Zamora (320,887 points), who also entered the Faculty of Medicine after two years to prepare, belongs to the Class of 2008 of San Juan College. "It's a joy to be awarded this morning, this moment of happiness I share with my family," he said.
For his part the president congratulating each of the winning students and school principals more applicants, said the awards to young people because they are the new paradigms of youth and their effort is rewarded.
For the first time awarded to schools with the highest number of applicants. The first place was taken by the State Education Santa Rosa, followed by San Juan, Maria Negron Ugarte, Model, Liceo Trujillo, José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Marcial Acharán and Smith, Republic of Panama, Victor Andrés Belaunde and Gustavo Ries.
For private schools the first place went to the experimental school UNT Cadenillas Rafael Narvaez, followed by Dante Alighieri, Alexander Graham Bell, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Engineering, Integral Class White Brothers, Engel Class and San Vicente de Paul.
Trujillo, Tuesday March 29, 2011
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The auditorium of the Centre for Languages Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (Cidunt), was visited by the director of the United Nations University, Dr. Charles Hopkins who received the medal for "Distinguished Guest" UNT, UNT to the Rector, Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, in recognition of his contribution to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
After the distinction, Hopkins gave a lecture in which he explained that the program of education for sustainable development is part of Agenda 21, an agreement signed by UN member countries. It is a detailed plan of actions to be undertaken at global, national and local levels in all areas where human impacts occur as in education and especially in the environment.
"Only 1% of the global population has access to university education, the aim is governments, universities and private investment is involved for this share is increasing, "said Hopkins.
After the conference, Hopkins, professor at York University in Canada, was led by the Dean of Education, Dr. Alberto Moya Obeso to facilities of the Faculty of Education and Science of Communication, had a pleasant journey by Biohuerto, where even dared to take pictures of the projects implemented by the students of the experimental center Rafael Narvaez Cadenillas.
Charles Hopkins holds the UNESCO Chair at York University in Toronto, is an advisor to the UN decade on education units sustainable development, member of several international organizations and has lectured in over 70 countries.
Trujillo, Friday March 25, 2011
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· Cuban ambassador to Peru contends, Delfin Perez
About 2 000 young Peruvians Medina studies conducted in the Republic of Cuba and then return to Peru to join the mass of health professionals under the philosophy of preventive health, said the Ambassador of Cuba in Peru, Delfin Perez Osorio.
added that the race takes place in 6 years six months of advance preparation of pre-med, because they have to strengthen some subjects, then they have the right to make 2 fields, bone ranging between 8 and 11 years in Cuba. All costs are borne by Cuba.
"After returning to Peru, because we do not steal the brains Peruvians, prepare, like other 50 000 students from Latin America, the Caribbean and Cuba to study free," he said.
Regarding economic and trade relations between Peru and Cuba, said they are a recovery phase for many years from the year 90 to year 2005, 2006, almost collapsed to zero, but in the last 4 years growth is important but does not reach the levels of old-of several hundreds of millions of dollars of trade, "but are on track.
In Peru, exports chemicals, spare parts, agro products and Cuba comes snuff, pharmaceuticals, biomedical products, medical equipment. "In exchange, we're buying more of what we buy from us Peru. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Peruvian fishery and the metal mechanic sector more purchases, "he said.
Pérez Osorio poured these statements to the industry after receiving the Medal of Distinguished Guest in the auditorium of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, guiding hand of Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, as part of the project "Building a Culture of Peace", where UNT is also involved with the Public Ministry.
precisely in Trujillo Cuban Ambassador has already held meetings with the mayor, César Acuña Peralta, with regional government representatives, with the prosecution and groups of friendship with Cuba.
"In this project of Peace understand that violence is a problem of social, familial, economic and therefore seeks to rethink the problem, not in a repressive but participatory, cultural, sports and using other tools that handles much more positive that the very act of repression, because violence begets violence "he said.
Trujillo, Thursday March 24, 2011
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University Well chief, Dr. Jorge Ruiz Vigo said that osteoporosis is a disease that decreases the amount of minerals and makes the bones lose strength in making them brittle and susceptible to fractures, as well as anemia and blindness.
In that sense, this campaign was carried out free of charge for staff administrators, teachers, CAS and family thereof.
The campaign, which enjoyed absolute success, "he managed to fulfill its goal of providing approximately 300 workers and their families showed up early hours of the morning.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis campaign is to prevent workers from National University of Trujillo, may suffer the ravages of osteoporosis such as fractures, problems at the bones, which can disrupt your lifestyle. Vigo
Ruiz announced that he plans to keep running this campaign throughout the year, making the invitation to the families of students in the next round. PEOPLE AT RISK
was recommended also minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and coffee, and instead maintain a diet rich in calcium.
are also at risk group of men and women with a history of malnutrition, postmenopausal women, women for the uterus, with a family history of fractures and joint pain, with a sedentary lifestyle and little exposure to the sun, and by the use prolonged corticosteroid (prednisone).
Trujillo, Thursday March 24, 2011