Monday, March 21, 2011

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magazine was presented "Archaeology and Life" at the Museum of Archaeology

On 1st March, at the premises of the Casa Risco, the Museum of Archaeology and History, Faculty of UNT Social Sciences, was presented the first three issues of the magazine "Archaeology and Life" in honor of Duccio Bonavia, Rosa Fung Pineda and Ramiro Matos Mendieta, respectively.

"Archaeology and Life series is a great editorial proposal become a reality and deserves to stay current, to finish the last character that has contributed to a serious and scientific research and study of our pre-Hispanic past, so noted by the director of Museum of Archaeology, Mg. Ricardo Morales Gamarra.

Archaeology and Life "is an editorial effort of the Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History and its editor, Enrique Vergara Montero, who along with team working in this institution have made this publication possible.

Duccio Bonavia, a part of a rich pool of archaeologists very solid prestigious and diverse very open minded, whose efforts have helped to illuminate the landscape of the Peruvian Andean archeology.

Rosa Fung was born in Casma, is an extraordinary and excellent academic researcher whose contributions to the elucidation of pre-Hispanic Andean culture have been and still are immensely valuable.

Ramiro Matos Mendieta, anthropologist and archaeologist, who stands by his human qualities and his brilliant simplicity, is an author who gives every one of his scientific support, admirable and unique.

The presentation was attended by the honorees with the exception of Rosa Dr Fung, who for health reasons could not arriving in the city of Trujillo. The words of introduction was given by Dr. Tom Dillehay, professor and researcher at Vanderbilt University.

The first three issues of the magazine "Archaeology and Life" for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, is currently preparing the fourth edition for 2010.


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