Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Insurance Do I Need For A Decorator

joins campaign to protect beaches in Trujillo Joy

The red alert triggered by the erosion of the beaches of Trujillo goes unmet. Despite the efforts of the Chamber of Tourism to conserve Huanchaco mainly Huanchaco (which is most affected), the competent authorities have not defined any plan to solve this problem.

These words of discomfort under the holder of such business association, Leoncio Rojas Gallardo, who said the dilemma is radical: "Does the retainer or the beach beater Trujillo? For if not attacked the root of the problem, then everything will be mere palliatives. "

"The fishermen of Huanchaco have lost 90 percent of its pools attached to the sea, we are virtually disappearing from the map. We will be the only resort without a beach in Peru, "said Rojas Gallardo.

This climate of indecision of the local and national authorities who turn a deaf ear against the pronouncements of the people and organizations, such as the College of Engineers and the National University of Trujillo was also criticized by UNT faculty of Fisheries, Dr. Carlos Bocanegra García.

The specialist was one of the first to notice the disappearance of the beaches of Trujillo, and now tells us that to be an economic problem will become a social problem. Bocanegra

stressed that this problem arises with the construction of the jetty located next to the port of Salaverry, which prevents the natural movement of sand to other beaches causing their disappearance and destruction of nearby buildings.

are two solutions proposed by García Bocanegra. The first is to castle beach in order not to damage the urban centers, which would lead to Huanchaco no longer considered a tourist resort.

The second alternative is to have the necessary removal of the jetty container Salaverry to the sea and winds could return the sand to the beaches affected. However, this last possibility is not completely solve the problem of beach erosion. The destruction of the jetty, our beaches would not return to its original condition, as it was necessary to blow up the hill Carretas for extending this groovy Salaverry, which in 2004 reached its present length of 1050 m, which is responsible for retaining a one million meters Sandy year.

In the words of the faculty of the UNT, is trying to keep a comatose patient (the port of Salaverry), taking into account that come around only 15 per cent of exports, the rest goes through the port of El Callao.

What we are demonstrating that we are facing a problem that is dragging down other evils, such as the loss of the reeds ( only in 2006 and 2007 lost more than 20 pools in Huanchaco).

Finally, Bocanegra García, expressed his desire to join both organizations and the affected villagers to fight them this problem. To achieve this goal began a series of lectures in this March 25 IMARPE - Huanchaco, and will last until May.

Trujillo, Wednesday March 9, 2011


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