Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paris Kennedy Pregnant

win Rector UNT Orlando Velasquez is the new president of the NRA

Lima .- This afternoon, local National Assembly of Rectors (ANR), Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, current president of the National University Trujillo, was elected new president of the autonomous public body, responsible for coordination and guidance of the university in our country.
The representative of the First University Republican, won by 41 votes to the 23 earned by his nearest competitor in this fair, the current rector of the Universidad Ricardo Palma, Ivan Rodriguez.
The NRA is comprised of the presidents of public and private universities of the country and enjoy economic autonomy, regulatory and administrative matters within its competence, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 23733 and other applicable laws.
As soon know the results, the rector of the University of Trujillo, Dr. Velásquez Benites said the defense closed to the public university and the entire university in Peru, in order to raise the quality standards of international universities. Besides
Benites Velasquez were elected as First Vice-rector of the Technological University of Peru, Enrique Bedoya Sanchez and as Second Vice-President of the University Altiplano (Puno), Lucio Rojas Avila
The rector of the Universidad Cesar Vallejo (Trujillo), was among the first to publicly express their appreciation to the rector Velasquez asked Benites while flying the flag of reinvindación Peruvian university teaching .
Similar expressions of sympathy received from the rector of the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego (Trujillo), Dr. Víctor Raúl Lozano Ibáñez and the rector of the University Lord of Sipan, Humberto Llempo.
The term of office of President of the NRA is two years, during which Velasquez Benitez has offered to promote a revolution of the Peruvian university. The news
comes just as on Tuesday 8 March will complete its first year as rector of the Universidad Nacional.
The swearing in office will be held next Tuesday 05 April, at a ceremony to be held in style at the same location of the NRA in the presence of national authorities of all levels.

Lima, Friday, March 4, 2011


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