· trujillanos Young 16 to 24 years Logistics can free education, IT and Sales Techniques
Since 2010 the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo participated in the call made by the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion through the Youth Employment Training Programme (ProJoven), which aims to facilitate access to youth aged 16 to 24 years old with limited economic resources to the labor market, providing a completely free training and basic work experience in accordance with the requirements country's productive sector.
Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, Rector of the home university, designated as responsible for program development ProJoven - UNT to Dr. Rocio Taboada teachers Pilcher and Ms. Maria Luisa Bazan Guzman, who come assuming the commitment to integrate research and education with a strong extension and outreach, activity that links the university with organized institutions in their environment and in an active role in contributing to the economic and social development.
ProJoven UNT in 2010 trained 350 young people develop a total of 14 courses in the province of Trujillo, this time the call is offered initial courses Stores and Logistics; Computer for Business and Sales Techniques and Customer whose development will take place in the classrooms of the university campus opens its doors again to the youth of this program, which form part of the university family.
The launch of the courses has been scheduled for Friday 01 April this year, activity will be attended by the authorities of the NTU and the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion in the person Deputy Minister, Dr. Javier Barreda Jara.
Further Information and registration Mansiche Avenue 998 - Urb Santa Inés Trujillo or telephone 230085.
Trujillo, Monday 21 marzo del 2011
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