Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Do Herpes Look Like On A Black Man

campaigned UNT

A large number of men and women aged over 40 gathered in the environments of the UNT University Well, where on Thursday 24 succeeded the "Great social campaign screening and treatment of osteoporosis and bone loss," organized by this office with the support of the Medical Service Support Hampina Huasi of Arequipa.

University Well chief, Dr. Jorge Ruiz Vigo said that osteoporosis is a disease that decreases the amount of minerals and makes the bones lose strength in making them brittle and susceptible to fractures, as well as anemia and blindness.

In that sense, this campaign was carried out free of charge for staff administrators, teachers, CAS and family thereof.

The campaign, which enjoyed absolute success, "he managed to fulfill its goal of providing approximately 300 workers and their families showed up early hours of the morning.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis campaign is to prevent workers from National University of Trujillo, may suffer the ravages of osteoporosis such as fractures, problems at the bones, which can disrupt your lifestyle. Vigo

Ruiz announced that he plans to keep running this campaign throughout the year, making the invitation to the families of students in the next round. PEOPLE AT RISK

was recommended also minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and coffee, and instead maintain a diet rich in calcium.

are also at risk group of men and women with a history of malnutrition, postmenopausal women, women for the uterus, with a family history of fractures and joint pain, with a sedentary lifestyle and little exposure to the sun, and by the use prolonged corticosteroid (prednisone).

Trujillo, Thursday March 24, 2011


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