finally clear the Catalan savings measures in health
weeks ago the Minister of Health, Catalan, Boi Ruiz, announced measures to try to contain health spending, which increased year after year above GDP growth, in times of low revenues and low debt capacity, put in difficulties sisetma sustainability of public health.
These measures were summed up in a sacrifice to the user, who would have to wait longer for urgent interventions, and would have to move again, to concentrate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in certain centers, at some sacrifice to the administrators, erasing 10% of managers positions, and any change in the way of working professionals.
latter, where was the heart of the action, it was not explicit. Today I have seen first explained in an article in El País .
These following "... In their plans also include measures affecting the professionals, such as replacement of low and no pension, non-payment of hours devoted to training and even the elimination of the variable salary paid to doctors (MBO), as Management has proposed Granollers General Hospital, reference center of the Vallès Oriental.
also propose "... theaters closed (closed on Monday and one who worked in the afternoon), the closure of a ward, the elimination of the outpatient department during the summer. "
What is perhaps is a situation of opportunity, onthe possible further an activity that can be private practice, in an environment such as Catalonia, where the number of private insurance policies is very high.
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