FIL Guadalajara and the University of the Senate call for writers of any nationality to participate
International Book Fair of Guadalajara (FIL) and the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana (UCSJ), Mexico City, launched the call for the Award Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2011, which this year is endowed with $ 10 000.
Since 1993, this award recognizes the English literature written by women and last year was won by Claudia Pineiro Chilean narrator for his novel "Jara cracks."
designed and named by the Nicaraguan writer Milagros Palma in 1993, in its 2011 edition, this event calls for writers of any nationality, with a novel published originally in English, between January 2010 and April 2011, whose minimum size shall be 120 pages, and has had a circulation of at least a thousand copies.
Works can be submitted by any cultural institution, educational or editorial purposes, and by their own writers.
the event excluded the novels that have competed in previous editions.
to participate must be sent six copies of the work, as well as a separate envelope containing the author's resume and a photograph in postcard size, 300 dpi resolution. The deadline for entries is April 30.
Papers should be sent to the offices International Book Fair of Guadalajara, located at Avenida Alemania No. 1370, Colonia Moderna, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. CP 44190. Only
involving all those works received by that date and those whose stamp is dated before April 15 and arrive before 15 May.
The jury will consist of three well-known writers and literary critics in America and its ruling will be final and will be released on 2 November this year.
The award includes the presentation of the winning author at a ceremony to be held on Wednesday 30 November this year, as part of the XXV International Book Fair de Guadalajara.
Las escritoras que han sido reconocidas con este galardón son: Angelina Muñiz-Huberman (1993) , Marcela Serrano (1994) , Tatiana Lobo (1995) , Elena Garro (1996) , Laura Restrepo (1997) , Silvia Molina (1998) , Silvia Iparraguirre (1999) , Cristina Rivera Garza (2001 2009) , Ana Gloria Moya (2002) y Margo Glantz (2003) .
También Cristina Sánchez-Andrade (2004) , Paloma Villegas (2005) , Claudia Amengual (2006) , Tununa Mercado (2007) , Gioconda Belli (2008) y Claudia Piñeiro (2010) .
La convocatoria, en toda su extensión, se puede consultar en la página web de la Feria o directamente en:
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