- also to schools with the highest number of entrants
The National University of Trujillo awarded on Tuesday 29 March to the students who occupied the top spot in the overall admission test to last for the first time to schools showing the greatest number of entrants.
The ceremony was held in the auditorium of the UNT in the presence of lead UNT, Dr. Orlando Velásquez Benites, the academic vice chancellor Dr Vilma Gil Mendez, the rector Moon Flower Victoria administrative Dr. Mori, the secretary general Professor Pedro Luis Lavalle God, and the head of the Central Office of Admissions, Dr. Santiago Uceda Duclos.
This is awarded to those who occupied the top spot in the competition for excellence awards, awarded diplomas to Anibal Enrique Roldan Rodriguez (Private College with 207,861 points) and Aaron Burgos jeanpiero Granda (National College with 215,272 points .) They received diplomas from the hands of the rector of the UNT.
In the overall regular Test the rector Dr. Orlando Velásquez gave diploma Benites Carito top Jennifer Zavaleta Nery (332,038 points), who was thrilled to have achieved its first goal of joining the UNT School of Medicine.
She studied at the College Marcial Achar, s and prepared for three years and will continue specialty C ardiología: "Young people who are applying for the UNT would say that practice great discipline in the study and control emotionally, those were my secrets, "he said.
The second place went to Bruno Marcelo Sánchez Zamora (320,887 points), who also entered the Faculty of Medicine after two years to prepare, belongs to the Class of 2008 of San Juan College. "It's a joy to be awarded this morning, this moment of happiness I share with my family," he said.
For his part the president congratulating each of the winning students and school principals more applicants, said the awards to young people because they are the new paradigms of youth and their effort is rewarded.
For the first time awarded to schools with the highest number of applicants. The first place was taken by the State Education Santa Rosa, followed by San Juan, Maria Negron Ugarte, Model, Liceo Trujillo, José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Marcial Acharán and Smith, Republic of Panama, Victor Andrés Belaunde and Gustavo Ries.
For private schools the first place went to the experimental school UNT Cadenillas Rafael Narvaez, followed by Dante Alighieri, Alexander Graham Bell, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Engineering, Integral Class White Brothers, Engel Class and San Vicente de Paul.
Trujillo, Tuesday March 29, 2011
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