Monday, March 7, 2011

Is Milena Velba Gypsy


Peace House Theatre


National Playwriting Prize-UAM-SCGDF UdeG

Metropolitan Autonomous University, the University of Guadalajara and the Ministry of Culture
the Federal District Government convened the National Playwriting Award
UdeG-UAM-2011 with the aim SCGDF
to recognize and encourage creative dramatic theatrical activity in the country.

It may participate national writers and foreign (with
least five years of residence in the country) with an unpublished work by 60 minutes free theme,
hereinafter duration. The deadline for receipt of entries is 15 July 2011

The award consists of $ 200,000 (two hundred thousand pesos) for
author of the work, publishing it in the library Windmills of the UAM and their assembly
seasons in the theaters of the institutions involved.

The jury will be composed of renowned experts in the field.

The objective and main merit of this call is to deliver a comprehensive
encouragement to authors dramatic works, ie
well as offering a cash prize, publication of their work allows
dissemination of literary, while placing particular scene in the capital
purpose of all artistic creation: the dialectic with
public through representation.

In Mexico, no other competition offers this range of rewards, so
National Playwriting Award UdeG-SCGDF UAM-2011, is more attractive
driver of dramatic writing and promoting insurance culture.

In 2009, the UAM and the U of G performed the first edition of this award,
in which winners were brothers Claudio and Alberto Lomnitz
work with True Bulnes, staging recreates the political life of
Francisco Bulnes, a member of Scientists, and their relationship with
Porfirio Díaz.

In 2011 the owner of the theater system the Ministry of Culture
GDF, Nina Ms. Serratos, referred to the General Coordinator of Dissemination of
UAM, MSc. Raúl Hernández Valdés, the possibility of joining the award.

The Coordinator welcomed the proposal and the owner of the
Ministry of Cultural Diffusion Bonding and U of G, MSc. Igor Angel Lozada
accepted the offer with the same enthusiasm.

This time, they agreed to the three institutions, the subject of the call to
National Award for Playwriting UAM-UdeG-SCGDF be free and each provide
$ 350,000 (three hundred fifty thousand pesos MN) Award, whose total amount is
$ 1,050,000 (one million fifty thousand pesos) for achieving the objectives

The call will be available from today at the Facebook
House Theatre of Peace: Teatro de la Paz, and from Thursday at: / index.html


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